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Hey there...


My name is Skye Taylor, I am a local Adelaide property manager and business owner with 20 years experience in real estate, and I have been managing property for landlords across Adelaide, from Glenelg to Hillbank to Findon to Brighton, no matter where your investment property is, I can help you.


Unlike the larger real estate agencies, at Taylored Property Management, you will deal directly with the girl boss, yes me! 

My landlords are not just a number, you’re all part of my work family of landlords whom I treasure, even potential landlords like you!


Anyway, enough about me! 


So the burning question, how much are Adelaide Property Management fees?


The average or typical property management fee is based on a percentage of the rent collected. 

The average Adelaide property manager fee ranges from 7.5% up to 12%, and often higher for all-inclusive packages


But guess what? 


I’m not one to follow that old, outdated fee percentage way to charge landlords, so I’ve created a new structure for my landlords and it makes total property management sense!


I have asked myself this question!


Why does Jane get charged 9% of $500 week rent collected and James gets charged 9% of $800 rent collected, when the work required by me as the property manager for both is more or less the same?



Makes no sense right?


So I just charge a flat fee now to get with the times.

My landlords love the transparency.


My property management fee is $55 inc. GST per week.

Simple as that. 


No more percentages, no more charging more for higher rents, my landlords all get the same service at the same price.


However, I need to let you know that if you do sign up for 36 months, my property management fee drops to $44 week (save $360). I want to reward landlords for their loyalty! 


I’d really love the opportunity to chat to you more about your property management needs, so you can either complete the form below or call me on 0426 241 676 and lets see if I can answer any questions you may have, and maybe just maybe you’ll be so impressed you’ll join me and the Taylored Property Management landlord family.





Option 1

Please complete the form below, and you will receive a copy of my 10 profit boosters guide to say thank you. I will get in touch with you and we can see if we are a good fit for each other! 

Hopefully you can join my many other happy clients currently working with Taylored Property, and if not, at least you get a report packed full of useful information on how to maximise those rental property returns... and I get to say hi - nothing to lose!


Option 2

Completely understand if you don't like filling in forms, feel free to contact me directly on

0426 241 676 or at I work all hours of the day, so call anytime! 

You can also book in a time here:



If you are still unsure, feel free to read my reviews from happy clients here, or you can read my latest blog here

I would love to see if we can work together...
What do you prefer?
Is this your first invstment property?

Click here to download the profit boosters report

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